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Developing the Art of Family Devotions

Developing the Art of Family Devotions

Perhaps one of the greatest passages on passing down the faith to our children and teens comes from the Old Testament. Deuteronomy 6 says that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and might and that this shall be taught " diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise...You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." (ESV)

While this is passage is certainly directed to parents, it has implications for everyone involved in teaching the faith. As a parent, I can testify that discipling one’s own children can be tough. Some parents have toleave the house at 6:30 or 7 to get to school and work on time and they don't get home until 6 some nights. Then they have to think about dinner, sports practices, homework, and other chores. But, we know we need to taketime to intentionally teach our teens what is truly important in life - surrendering ourselves to the One who gaveHimself for us.

Encourage parents by helping them know that while it's tempting to think that this can only be done through calm, 30-minute family devotions, before breakfast and after supper - this isn't the description we get from Scripture. While having these 30 minute extended devotions are great, help parents to not be discouraged by reminding them that it is ok if they don't do that every night or even once a week.

Being called to serve students allows unique opportunities to invest in both the teen & the parent. Connect with parents and help them to see that what is important is regular moments of discipleship. Deut. 6 indicates that the regular ins-and-outs of the day should be about teaching our teens about what it means to love God. Encourage parents to create a prayer-point on their travels. That is, a regular spot that once you get to it youstop and pray. You stop the song playing on the radio, you stop any other conversation, and you pray. You can also use what is accomplished on a sports team to help them understand that that is how the church works. God has gifted us uniquely and it takes all of us coming together in His power to work to see His mission fulfilled and the gospel work in us.  It could be making sure that teens see their parents reconciling after an argument that is overheard. And the parents tell them that they forgive one another, always, because that is what God does for us. No grudges, no bringing it back up, just pure forgiveness like we receive.

The unique opportunity we have toward teens is that more and more teens are living in non-traditional or un-Christian homes where they will never see anything mentioned above take place. We can step into that place and help do these things. Meet teens after school, invite them to work on projects with you, take them to soccer practice, ask them questions about what is going on in their life, and as you do these things you can model Deuteronomy 6. You may not be a parent, but you can be an example of what it means to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. 

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